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Friday 3 June 2011

Once upon a time............

I have always loved listening to a story :) Be it funny, scary or an inspirational one. I equally adore telling stories as well. I also like to reckon that I am good story teller :)

A beautiful story does not just have the power of transporting its listener to distant landscapes and realms, the true splendour of a tale is in its aptitude to convey subtle morals and principles which forms the DNA of our ethical value structure. I agree with Ursula LeGuin when she says "There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories".
Ergo, i would like to dedicate this blog to the multitude story tellers who have charmed, inspired and enthralled their audiences over the generations into believing that "The universe is made of stories, not atoms".

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